James B Dombrowski

James B Dombrowski

Umpire + Appraisal

Property Claims


Delivering accurate claims evaluation since Hurricane Ike

Headquartered in Chicago with the ability to be deployed to catastrophes and out of state appraisal panels, James B Dombrowski is in his second decade of claims handling. A General Adjuster since Hurricane Harvey, James is now a much sought after Appraiser and Umpire. Mr. Dombrowski advanced his experience on catastrophes including: Hurricanes Ian, Irma, Harvey, Isaac, and Sandy, Illinois Tornados in Ottawa and Arlington Heights, and the January 2015 North American blizzard.




(773) 366-4962

Service Roles


When the complexity of a claim reaches the level of appraisal and the appraisers need to move settlement forward, I serve as the party charged with reaching consensus in the appraisal process, conducting myself in a manner that upholds the integrity, trust and fairness inherent of the process and my appointment.

Prudent appraisers are wise to secure my place on the Appraisal Panel when they accept their original assignment. Before appraisers reach a point of impasse is the time to complete Selection of Umpire. This allows time to eliminate any conflicts of interest among parties and to learn of my qualifications and experience. Often, I am also called upon by Judicial Appointment.

You may never need to invoke my role, but best to be prepared. Call me today.


The majority of my portfolio is as the Appraiser for Carriers and Claims Service firms to ascertain the true value of damages in the Appraisal Process. I work with the Opposing Appraiser and the Umpire, if necessary, to provide all documentation necessary to reach a consensus and settle the claim.

I welcome service as the Appraiser for property owners directly where I can do so without conflict of interest. Owners and their agents can speak to me directly about the Appraisal process prior to their decision.


General adjuster

As a General Adjuster, my loss portfolio includes single family, multi-unit condominiums, standalone franchises, hotels, and commercial malls. I generally service daily claims in Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, and southwest Michigan.

  • Conduct Owner Interviews

  • Inspect property in its entirety for any and all damage

  • Document property conditions and metrics

  • Produce thorough reports, correspondence, and full 2D and 3D drawings

  • Coordinate with staff, inside adjusters, and contractors

Compromise makes a good umbrella, but a poor roof.
— James Russell Lowell


Let's Chat.

Use the form below to contact us regarding your claims service inquiry. You may also email or call us to make an appointment.